Thursday, June 19, 2008

Question No. 3 Justify/ contradict those trends by citing examples

In the first trend of MIS, i definitely agree that users are more knowledgeable. Just for example, the company X would like to know the exact product design of their competitor, in just a moment they can access the product design of company Y (competitor), and it made easier and cheaper than going through the inside of the competitor. Also this applies that the company X would not require more number of personnel since one to two can do.

In terms of connectivity, more and more people now using the internet and million of companies not just local but worldwide are informing their services and product through internet. The accessibility in just one click away from the other side of the world if you wish.

I agree that MIS is becoming one of the primary means of increasing productivity since one is more efficient because the lesser effort, time, money and resources exerted yet, the outcome will be double or higher than a company without a MIS.

For example of MIS is becoming integral to the decision making process, if company X would like to know on how to develop a product. They can look to thier competitor's product to the available display on the web. So after evaluating and thorough discussion with the product development department, the gathered info will be useful in making the decision now, on what aspect in a certain product must be developed.

It is useful in companies as a competitive strategy since they will be given information to their competitors, and by that, they can formulate steps on how to be go over thier competitors. Example in a cellphone company, if company Y would like to be more upgraded to company X, then the information they gather from web will be their tools in evaluating other products. After they evaluate it, they will see on how to improve the product of others by making thier own product more advance, friendly user, more features available and at reasonable price than competitors.

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