Friday, September 26, 2008

Question #3

TOPIC: THE DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS)Question # 3: 1. Describe or define DSS.2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Decision Support System is a computerized system for helping the managers to come- up a right decisions for the company.

DSS and MIS have the same function and purpose in manager's decision making, to make the decision making process simplier and accurate with the informations available. But the DSS only supports the process of decisioning, for example in productivity of the marketing assistants (promos or agents), their are informations available, out of the informations gathered that can come up decisions, there are also factors that support more on the main informations. Main infos would be their sales, and the hours spend in the field would be the support.

Also, they can all be the same but management information system is typically structured data about a business. Decision support system would be data specific to a specific business problem.
Meaning, if the company has problem on marketing aspects, then the decision support system would give the data focus on marketing alone.,while in the MIS informations for all aspects are available in times of making decision.

DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance in a way that the manager's or those middle management can evaluate immediately the factors that causes the problem of the company because they have the DSS that will provide them useful information from raw data, documents or personal knowledge. Once it is available, then decision making would be easier and lesser in errors compare to companies with no DSS.

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