Thursday, July 3, 2008

As a future manager, What is your computer ethics program? Justify each activity.A

As a future manager, I would give my employees a seminar as the same time workshops, regarding the latest and most advance trends in computer world. I will get consultants and resource speakers with caliber to provide inputs to my employees that would be useful in their related jobs and specialization in my company. Just like the most advance in MIS ,how to use the internet to have the most effective advertisement, how to penetrate the world market through internet or whatever latest information that will be a great benefit in my company as well as to my subordinates. This is not just orienting my employees to the most hi-tech way of living but as well as educating them to link into the most trendy way of business and money making.

To be able to apply their learnings from the provided seminar workshops that the management given, I let my employees to make a proposals containing the procedures and techniques on how to improve the services of the company to the maximum level. These will also challenge their imagination, knowledge and creativity. If done, it is not only the employees will benefit but as well as the customers who is the most valuable.

After a thorough evaluation of their proposals, the management will make sure of a great incentives to the employees or group of employees that will double the sales, maybe a promotion, a trip to Europe or cruise or house and lot at Alabang. ( And I would be the most extravagant manager if ever! hehe)

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